Be Determined

Wiersbe ( Warren W. Wiersbe )
221 Old Testament, Velho Testamento  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Velho Testamento 
Ser Determinado: Ficar Firme no Meio da Oposição é um livro que mostra que você pode fazer a diferença em situações difíceis. Deus está à procura de pessoas que façam a diferença nos sítios difíceis da vida! Pessoas com visão que veem possibilidades, não problemas. Pessoas com coragem que irão terminar a tarefa. Pessoas com fé que acreditam que Deus pode usá-las. Neemias era esse tipo de pessoa. Ele era um leigo chamado por Deus para dar a Jerusalém um novo começo. Apesar da oposição, Neemias persistiu no seu trabalho e viu a cidade santa restaurada. Neemias foi um líder de sucesso que nos ensina como encorajar outros a servirem ao Senhor, como detetar e derrotar as táticas do inimigo, como persistir quando a situação se complica, como fazer da oração uma parte vital da vida. Satanás está a destruir coisas neste mundo, mas Jesus Cristo está a construir. Para qual dos dois você está a trabalhar? Não interessa o quão difícil a situação possa ser, conheça Neemias e aprenda a ser determinado. 
Biblio Notes
You Can Make a Difference in Tough Situations. God is looking for people who will make a difference in the difficult places of life! People with vision who see possibilities, not problems. People with courage who will finish the job. People with faith who believe God can use them. Nehemiah was that kind of person. He was a layman called by God to give Jerusalem a new beginning. In spite of opposition, Nehemiah stayed on the job and saw the holy city restored. Nehemiah was a successful leader who teachers us how to encourage others to serve the Lord, how to detect and defeat the enemy's tactics, how to keep going when the going is tough, how to make prayer a vital part of your life. Satan is tearing things down in this world, but Jesus Christ is building things up. For which one are you working? No matter how difficult the situation may be, get acquainted with Nehemiah and learn how to Be Determined! You Can Make a Difference in Tough Situations. God is looking for people who will make a difference in the difficult places of life! People with vision who see possibilities, not problems. People with courage who will finish the job. People with faith who believe God can use them. Nehemiah was that kind of person. He was a layman called by God to give Jerusalem a new beginning. In spite of opposition, Nehemiah stayed on the job and saw the holy city restored. Nehemiah was a successful leader who teachers us how to encourage others to serve the Lord, how to detect and defeat the enemy's tactics, how to keep going when the going is tough, how to make prayer a vital part of your life. Satan is tearing things down in this world, but Jesus Christ is building things up. For which one are you working? No matter how difficult the situation may be, get acquainted with Nehemiah and learn how to Be Determined!  
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